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                      Raw Milk

We are a state-inspected, licensed raw milk dairy. 
You don't need to be a CSA member to buy milk but you do have to register in person with one of our dairy farmers. The best time to find them is during the afternoon milking at the barn between 3 and 4 pm. We will need your name, address, email and phone number so we can contact you if we need to do so.

Once you are registered you can bring a clean 1/2 gallon Mason jar clearly labeled with your last name on both the lid and the jar and place it in the milk room on the shelf labeled with the day that you want your milk jar to be filled. (Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday)
Make sure that your jar is on the shelf the day before you want it filled.
Each time you pick up your filled milk bottle, you should drop off an empty one for your next pickup.
Filled jars may be picked up seven days a week between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. in the farm store dairy refrigerator.
Payment is by cash or check (made out to TWCF) at the table in the farm store.
The cost of the milk is  $18 per gallon.
Questions?  Contact us here.




195 Isaac Frye Hwy.

Wilton, NH 03086



Tel: 603-654-6082






All content property of Temple-Wilton Community Farm.
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