Since 1986, the founding principle of our CSA has been to separate the food that nourishes our community from the economy that enables the farm to prosper, because the relationship that now exists between food and money is damaging to plants, animals, human beings and the earth.
Following this principle has resulted in:
a membership community that understands the difference between buying food and sharing both the economic needs and the produce of the farm
farmers who can make sustainable choices that respect the integrity of the land, plants, animals and people
vegetables and animals grown with biodynamic and organic methods
the purchase and preservation of over 150 acres of historic farmland
the education of ourselves as farmers and as a community that includes young farmers, farm members and children
a community of support that can maintain this work into the future

Our Farm Store: open every day 7am to 7pm
We make unsweetened whole fat yogurt and various hard and soft cheeses. These items are available in our farm store, year-round.
We bottle raw milk from our herd on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. You can speak with one of our farmers and sign up at the farm to buy milk.
For more information see Raw Milk.
We also stock:
- Orchard Hill Bakery fresh bread and cookies on Tuesday and Saturday
- Orchard Hill apple cider vinegar
- Plowshare Farm Granola and cookies

Abbot Hill Creamery
Our cheeses and yogurt are made at the farm. All the cheese is made with the raw milk from our herd of grass-fed cows.
We produce many types of hard and soft cheese and our farm store is stocked year-round with a variety of seasonal cheeses: Camembert, Feta, Mozzarella, Quark (a tangy, German-style cream cheese) and other European-style cheeses can be found in the store refrigerator.
Our plain, unsweetened, whole milk yogurt is available in returnable quart glass jars.

CSA Membership
Our membership consists of close to 100 households that belong to our CSA.
We do not charge a fixed amount for membership and members take the produce and milk according to their needs. This distribution method reduces waste and allows members to more efficiently process vegetables (canning, pickling and freezing) to preserve them for the winter months.
The average needed for the 2024/2025 season is $185/adult/month and the pledge amount covers all the vegetables we produce (40+ varieties, including storage crops that are available throughout the year) plus up to three gallons of milk per household per week.

Apprenticeship Program
Apprenticeships are offered in in the following areas:
Work in the fields and the greenhouse includes all aspects of planting, weeding and harvesting over 40 different vegetables and herbs, as well as regular applications of the Biodynamic preparations.
Cheese Making
Abbot Hill Creamery offers a practical training in cheese making. What you learn will depend mostly on what you wish to learn and are capable of.
Temple-Wilton Community Farm is registered as a 'Mentor Farm' with the Biodynamic Association's apprenticeship program.